miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017

Coexistence Profiles Future Proposals For Cuban Education And Culture

Coexistence Profiles Future Proposals For Cuban Education And Culture /
14ymedio, Mario Penton

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 30 January 2017 — A pluralistic
education, deeply democratic, with a privileged use of technology and
communications together with a vision of culture open to universality:
these were some of the proposals of the third meeting of the Center for
Coexistence Studies (CEC) for the future of Cuba held this weekend in Miami.

The Cuban think tank, based in Pinar del Rio, held its meeting at
Florida International University (FIU) within the framework of an
journey of thought for Cuba. A similar process is taking place in
parallel on the island, although that meeting had to be suspended in the
face of the repression of the political police. Paradoxically, the
prohibition decreed by the authorities facilitated greater interaction
through alternative means such as email.

Dagoberto Valdés, director of the CEC, offered an overview of the
national reality that, in his opinion, is marked by several elements,
including the country's economic crisis "in free fall," the death of
Fidel Castro and the end of the wet foot/dry foot policy that allowed
Cubans who touched American soil to remain in the country, regardless of
whether they had a visa.

The analysis of Cuban culture involved preparing a list of paradigmatic
personalities, institutions and referential processes that make up the
nucleus of the nation's identity. It also addressed "weaknesses" and
"negative features" in the country's cultural processes.

With regards to education, there was a discussion of pedagogical models
that tend to strengthen ethical values ​​and individual autonomy.

"The projects presented seek to clarify the roots of identity that
should be rescued and maintained, as well as detail models, content and
methodologies. Also, the types of institutions and educational spaces
that should predominate in the future, and what the profile of an
educator should be," said the press release issued by the institution.

Four sessions enriched the meeting, including one led by the economist
Carmelo Mesa Lago, another by anthropologist and journalist Miriam
Celaya, as well as two led by members of the editorial team of
Coexistence magazine, Dagoberto Valdes and Yoandy Izquierda.

The meeting at the FIU, together with the work being done in Cuba, has
enabled the drafting of 45 legislative proposals for a new Cuban legal

The results of the workshops will be compiled by the Center's Academic
Council and the Board of Directors and published on its website.

Source: Coexistence Profiles Future Proposals For Cuban Education And
Culture / 14ymedio, Mario Penton – Translating Cuba -

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